Friday, December 18, 2009

Sumbawa Bonsai Contest


Conducted Paragas Stadium of Sumbawa Besar, Sumbawa PPBI Bonsai Contest organized and Ornamental Plants, which was followed by hundreds of contestants from different regions in Bali - Nusa Tenggara. This activity takes the theme of Enchantment Tourism Samawa, and many get a positive response from fans bonsai and ornamental plants in Sumbawa and the surrounding areas.
This event is a great advancement for the world in Sumbawa bonsai fans, because this is the first time held a contest activities bonsai, which can be expected to forward the national level. Salut for bonsai hobbiest Sumbawa and the surrounding, the implementation of these activities. Keep in mind by all of you, especially the hobbyist bonsai trees Sentigi that sumbawa area is an area that has a wealth of natural form Sentigi trees that grow alongside the sea adjacent to the mangrove trees, because it includes mangrove minor. There are still many areas here are overgrown by trees is because the edge of the sea, as well as the growing island-island ketch scattered Sumbawa regency. I once saw itself shore Nangalidam, there is still a lot of this tree, although it has long diambili trunk by local people for timber materials creating a fishing boat, or even used as firewood, and diambili by hunters Santigi from Bali and Banyuwangi Java east, but until now there. Even today along the coast started shrimp farming and milk, so many trees were deliberately switched off to be used as a shrimp farm pond. Though there you can find this tree with various sizes, from that of the little finger to the trunk of coconut trees or power poles. Because its potential is still easy to find the seeds of this bonsai, bonsai hobbyists began many Santigi in town this Sumbawa Besar.

On the initiative of colleagues bonsai enthusiasts in the town of Sumbawa Besar, in cooperation with PPBI, then held a contest bonsai NTB regional level housed the city Paragas field Sumbawa Besar. Animo participants who have come quite a lot, coming from towns on the island of Sumbawa pleasure to present, there are from the city of Sumbawa Besar, Taliwang, Dompu and Bima. Even participants from outside the island of Sumbawa, for example from Mataram, Denpasar Bali, there were present to participate contest this bonsai. The number of contestants is quite encouraging, and raises the spirit excess of local hobbyist Sumbawa Besar town, to be more qualified work parallel with the work of the bonsai hobbyist other areas. Good welcome and enthusiasm can also be seen by the number of public interest Sumbawa Besar city would come to watch the bonsai collection shown in this Paragas football pitch. We hope that future events like this become an annual calendar which is regularly held, so that further increase the variety of activities that can support regional tourism Sumbawa. Bonsai Hail!

This are some pictures contestants :






Event Bonsai exhibition in Sumbawa Besar, which dominated most of the Bonsai Tree Sentigi / Santigi (Pemphis acidula) with a variety of styles displayed, ranging from the formal style, slanting, rafte, cascade, contemporary and on the rock. Because there are many bonsai seeds Santigi which can be searched here, then chances are still many trees with a unique style that can be found at this Sumbawa. So if you did bonsai enthusiasts Santigi located throughout Indonesia, if you do not have a collection of bonsai trees Sentigi, may simply come directly to Sumbawa, to buy or even find yourself in the natural seed of this tree. If you want easy please purchase are already in the pot, because in around suburban Sumbawa Besar, many people who raise this tree potted, which is only used as ornamental plants alone, because it is not maintained properly to be used as bonsai, at an affordable price will you get this tree , you must come to an end without trouble to find in nature, because it's a much needed long hours to get the location of this sentigi tree.
Furthermore, we hope that the contest such as this will continue there continues every year, if you need to seek the support of the local government district of Sumbawa, especially the Department of Tourism, so that these activities will be more lively and crowded, in terms of the contestants who participated, as well as from the pebgunjung coming see this contest, because adequate support from the local government, in terms of financing, licensing and publication. In addition we hope that many bonsai hobbyist in Sumbawa, as well as experts in bonsai nurse who appears in Sumbawa.