Tuesday, June 19, 2012




Sumbawa district area is vast, many areas around the city of Sumbawa already a settlement and hustle. Due to the number of population is also growing, the region is a bit far from the town of Sumbawa Besar also established many schools, including vocational schools where my wife was teaching duties there, precisely in vocational high schools Lopok districts. Some time ago, in because there is a need to pick up my wife, who works in the area Lopok, The journey to reach this place is not near the town of Sumbawa because they have to cover a distance of about 20 kilometers, or nearly one hour using a two-wheel motorcycle with kecaepatan being. 

The road is winding and quiet as possible when enjoyed very exciting, but we need to be vigilant as well as still through forest areas and mountains are still sparsely populated, only occasionally passing a few villages just along the road before reaching the city districts lopok, namely in langam the it's crowded population. Characterized by the number of houses and shops that exist, as well as their market is crowded and full langam add facilities in the small town here. I had stopped to food stalls there. Besides the time off work to wait for my wife, also to fill my stomach was hungry. Precisely located in the shop right next to Langam market, namely stall Hikmah 2 Banyuwangi. 

I had thought, whether good or no cooking, though still in doubt, I go also to order a plate of rice and side dishes, and drink that is mixed ice. After tasting the food and drink, is quite satisfactory as well. Taste quite delicious cuisine for filling the stomach, and ice enough to eliminate interference thirst. When we feel at this ice mix, blend taste between sugar and coconut milk add to the pleasure of taste, coupled with the cendol and fruits served together in a bowl to make a good flavor and not forgotten. the weather being enjoyed in the pana, making thirst instantly disappear, but when only drink one cup feels less although portions quite a lot, but when drank two bowls will be a glut. 

That picture of flavors of ice mix, coupled with attractive coloring of this drink, it will increase the appetite of visitors to enjoy as much. I highly recommend to you, if one day was a journey through the region, when you are thirsty, please come and enjoy ice mix these delicious, other than that if you are hungry, can also order food rice with various side dishes typical of East Java Banyuwangi, which certainly taste not to be inferior to the original cuisine in Java there.
Hopefully you are one day pass on the highway Sumbawa - bima, can stop by the shop to just rest and food and beverage taste there ......